Gold Package – Copy

Gold Package

Gold Package - 12 Monthly Payments

  • Career Roadmapping
  • Technology Networking
  • Resume Builder
  • Interview Prep
  • 12-month coaching and consulting

Gold Package - Pay up front

  • Career Roadmapping
  • Technology Networking
  • Resume Builder
  • Interview Prep
  • 12-month coaching and consulting

Career Roadmapping

At Lane Switch, we help coach, guide, and consult teachers into their new and exciting profession. We create an individualized game plan based on your wants, skillset, and opportunities where we feel you can excel in. We help roadmap a process for you to take those next steps in leaving the classroom into a new role.

Resume Builder

How as a teacher can your classroom skills translate into a new profession? We help you build out your resume to ensure you’re getting noticed by the hiring managers. We help put those words into concise and direct sentences to exhibit all you’ve accomplished in the classroom and how it relates to the job description.

Technology Networking

At Lane Switch, we understand technology can be confusing and difficult to navigate. We help build out your technology portfolio to ensure you’re getting noticed by top companies. We help you navigate various job boards to find the best fit for you and to help you don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Interview Preparation

We help prep you with tools, resources, and questions that you may be asked to stand out amongst the competition in an interview. First impressions go a long way, we’re here to make sure you make the best one.

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